Thursday, April 15, 2010

Commentary about oatmeal cookies

Hi, folks,

Yesterday I posted a great new recipe and photos on my blog for oatmeal cookies. If you came to my blog today looking for it, it has been deleted because I have clearly been glutenized after ingesting the cookies. :-(

I DO apologize. There seems to be some misconception today in the gluten free world that there is minimal contamination obtained in oats (they contain no gluten unless they become contaminated with wheat), due to their processing in many USA processing plants that also process wheat products on the same equipment. There is also fairly recent information from Dr. Peter Greene (esteemed celiac researcher and specialist...via Elisabeth Haselback as seen on the Dr. Oz TV program) that a small amount of gluten (now the allowable amount is 1/8 of a teaspoon!) is safe for celiacs. 

Well, it's your body, but if you are a diagnosed celiac, my vote would be don't fool around with oats AT ALL, unless they are guaranteed gluten free. In this blogger's opinion, no gluten (not even a microbe) is the only safe choice...


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